Sri Lankan Lady Faces Harassment and Overcharging at Department of Immigration While Extending Tourist Visa

In a recent incident, a Sri Lankan lady living in the UK encountered a distressing situation while attempting to extend her Sri Lankan tourist visa. The process at the Department of Immigration had been smooth and efficient until she reached the payment counter.

According to the lady's tweet, the officer at the payment counter began behaving inappropriately, repeatedly asking for her number and insisting on chatting through WhatsApp. The situation escalated when he inquired about her husband's absence and asked if she could assist him in emigrating to the UK, claiming that everyone wants to leave and sought her help with that.

Frustrated with the officer's unprofessional behavior, the lady requested to pay for her visa renewal and leave promptly. To her astonishment, she was informed that the charge was an exorbitant US $800. However, upon further investigation, she discovered that the actual fee was US $100 per extension.

This unjust experience forced her to call for assistance from another staff member who corrected the fee, and she proceeded to pay for her and her children's visa extensions. The officer's last words reportedly consisted of insinuating that his inappropriate advances were merely harmless attempts to chat, leaving the lady feeling disgusted and distressed.

The incident highlights a concerning aspect of the visa extension process and raises questions about the behavior and professionalism of certain immigration officers.