SL Navy Officers Imported Arms Illegally, Claims Avant Garde Chairman

December 08, 2015

In a startling development, Avant Garde Maritime Services Chairman Nissanka Senadhipathi apparently claimed that the Sri Lanka Navy officers imported arms illegally from Al-Qaeda sources in Yemen and elsewhere.

This was revealed when an audio tape of a telephone conversation apparently between Senadhipathi and Dr. Sayuru Samarasundare, Secretary of Dr. Rajitha Senaratne, was released on social media.

According to the tape, Senadhipathi offers Samarasundare to show a letter given to him by the Navy, claiming that the navy could not handle floating armories. He asks Samarasundare to inspect the letter and inform Senaratne about it.

The letter cannot be released to media, since it will severely damage the navy if released, Senadhipathi claims in the recording.

He also says that he was prepared to go to jail if he had done anything illegally.