'Joint Opposition' Indirectly Helping Government, Deflecting Attention From Real Issues: JVP

JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said that the 'Joint Opposition' was actually helping the government by deflecting the attention from the real questions towards petty political squabbles.

Speaking to the media yesterday, Dissanayake said that the JO will continue to repeat the issue of attending for the SLFP convention for another few more weeks. They will also continue their complaints on the removal of electoral organizers. Then they will find another topic to complain about. But the real issues are forgotten, Dissanayake said.

The JO made a similar exhibition in the wake of the May Day rallies, on whether they should go to Kirulapone or Galle, Dissanayake recalled. These are not the real issues faced by the people, he insisted.

Dissanayake also said that he was not pleased about the investigations into alleged financial fraud during the former government. The government is purposefully suppressing some investigations, Dissanayake claimed.