Janaka Rathnayake's remarks signal a growing sentiment for change among the electorate, as the nation gears up for the upcoming presidential elections


In a scathing critique, presidential candidate Janaka Rathnayake lambasted the leadership of the past 70 years, asserting that Presidents and Prime Ministers lacked essential job experience and a coherent vision for the nation. Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Rathnayake emphasized the pivotal role of a leader in steering the country towards development and prosperity.

Rathnayake underscored the necessity for a leader to possess a comprehensive understanding of governance, likening the presidential role to that of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He lamented the dearth of economic acumen among past leaders and highlighted the inadequacy of investments made in the country's economy over the last few decades.

Advocating for a corruption-free administration and proficient management, Rathnayake criticized the recent political maneuvering by incumbent politicians, cautioning voters against falling prey to traditional political tactics. He urged the electorate to prioritize empowerment and foresight in leadership, warning that without these elements, economic progress would remain elusive.